What Santa brought me, 2008 version.

Well, Santa wasn't as generous as he was last year. Somehow I must have managed to get on
the naughty list, wonder how that came to be... Maybe I got a bit pretentious last year after my
success with the American Santa and made a too hard to fulfill wish list...
Anyhow, the Swedish Santa was quite nice this year. I got a couple of marvellous gifts including,
but not limited to, a very nice book about Whiskey, and best of all, a bottle of Swedish Whiskey
with the exotic name “Mackmyra”. I haven't tasted it yet but I will when the right moment arrives.

The American Santa had just a few items for me this year. That may be because I had a very
short time frame to get my wish list done, due to his lovely elf, my sister, making a last moment
reservation to the US.
Enough words, let's have some pictures!

A fan spacer. As it seemed to be impossible to get the right fan spacer for a 6.2 liter GM diesel
engine here in Sweden, I put it on the wish list and it came through. Thing is that the water pump
has a ¾ inch axle, and every spacer available here only has a 5/8 inch hole. So I really, really
needed it. Thanks Santa, and thanks to my lovely sis for transport of it.

Next item the American Santa brought me was a complete set of weather striping for the glass
in all doors of my Travelall. This was also very much needed as the old window felts were non
existant after 40+ years of use and abuse.

This is how it looks. Now I just have to get them on the truck...
As before, thanks to Santa and my sister, and of course a big thanks to Yathin, the guy my sis
visited, for letting me (and Santa) have all the stuff sent to him.

This concludes this years Xmas, and I'll end it with a small wish list, just as last year.
For Xmas 2009 I really, really would like to get:
- Cam drive gear sets for my engines
- ARP head stud kits, also for the engines
- A lathe and a mill.

Guess I need a bigger stocking again...